Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to maintain Physically fit?

We may have different ways on how to maintain a healthy body and being Physically fit. Here are the suggested guidelines to maintain physically healthy.

  • Exercise daily
  • Drink lots of water
  • Have a healthy balanced diet
  • Eat plenty of Fruits and vegetables
  • know how to manage your stress
  • Don't eat fatty foods
  • Don't eat too much sweet foods
  • Be physically active in terms of outdoor and indoor sports.
Enjoy your healthy life.!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to manage stress

  1. Sleep early
  2. take vitamins
  3. take a daily exercise
  4. eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
  5. don't skip meals
  6. drink Green Leaf tea 
These are just only the minor or the basic things we need to do if we are stressed.
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